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Chicago Cubs (1904-present)
Chicago (1888-1903)
Chicago Orphans (1898-1901)
Chicago Colts (1890-1897)
Chicago White Stockings (1876-1887)
Milwaukee Brewers (1970-present)
Seattle Pilots (1969)
Hall of Fame
Hall of Famers must be inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame but can be inducted from any category (player, manager, umpire, executive/pioneer). When paired with a team, the player must have played a major league game for the team in question. Does not include Ford C. Frick or J.G. Taylor Spink Award winners.
Los Angeles Angels (1961-1964, 2016-present)
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (2005-2015)
Anaheim Angels (1997-2004)
California Angels (1965-1996)
Oakland Athletics (1968-present)
Kansas City Athletics (1955-1967)
Philadelphia Athletics (1901-1954)
30+ HR Season
When paired with a team, 30 HR must be achieved with that team in a single season. When paired with a non-team category, does not need to be in the same season.
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Note: Players must have played in a regular season or playoff game for that team to qualify.
Tap on a logo or category for help.
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