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Pittsburgh Pirates (1895-present)
Pittsburgh (1891-1894)
Allegheny City (1882-1890)
Baltimore Orioles (1954-present)
St. Louis Browns (1902-1953)
Milwaukee Brewers (1901)
Played Center Field
min. 1 game
When paired with a team, must have played center field in a game for that team. When paired with a non-team category, does not need to be in the same season.
St. Louis Cardinals (1900-present)
St. Louis (1883, 1899)
St. Louis Browns (1882, 1884-1898)
Chicago White Sox (1901-present)
Houston Astros (1965-present)
Houston Colt .45s (1962-1964)
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Note: Players must have played in a regular season or playoff game for that team to qualify.
Tap on a logo or category for help.
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