Grid #369
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Toronto Raptors (1996-present)

Player attended Kentucky. When paired with a team, the player must have played an NBA/BAA or ABA game for the team in question. When paired with a statistical category, the player must have achieved the feat in the NBA/BAA or ABA.
5+ Assists Per Game
No minimum minutes requirement. When paired with a team, 5 AST/G must be achieved with that team in a single season. When paired with a school, must be achieved in an NBA/BAA/ABA season (not with the college). When paired with a non-team category, does not need to be in the same season.
New York Knicks (1947-present)
New Orleans Pelicans (2014-present)
New Orleans Hornets (2003-2013)
New Orleans/Oklahoma City Hornets (2006-2007)
20+ Points Per Game
No minimum minutes requirement. When paired with a team, 20 PTS/G must be achieved with that team in a single season. When paired with a school, must be achieved in an NBA/BAA/ABA season (not with the college). When paired with a non-team category, does not need to be in the same season.
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Note: Players must have played in a regular season or playoff game for that team to qualify.
Tap on a logo or category for help.
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